• Formato de fecha:MM barra DD barra AAAA
  • Referencia de cuenta

  • Referencias de cuentas comerciales (proveedores)

  • If you grant me the credit requested here, the undersigned agree to pay for all products, equipment, parts and/or services purchased, in a period of thirty (30) days from the date they incur the obligation, unless by written agreement between the parties said term be modified. Any obligation incurred by the undersigned that is not paid, satisfied within the term indicated above or in the period agreed upon by written, will accrue interest at 10% annually up to its total balance and in addition will accrue a 3% late charge. In the event of If it is necessary to use the services of a lawyer to collect the debt incurred by the applicants, they are obliged to pay a additional sum equal to 25% of the balance due to cover fees and costs, or the amount currently incurred, the whichever is greater.
  • Formato de fecha:DD barra MM barra AAAA
  • Este campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.